Network infrastructure forms the backbone of any business. You need to be confident that a rogue cybercriminal won’t take your business down by compromising your network equipment.

EDR and XDR protect your network infrastructure by keeping you safe from malware and providing integrated visibility into your threat landscape. XDR specifically lets you build what is effectively a SIEM around malware mitigation. It gives you the information you need to take actions within the platform.

Partner Solutions

We partner with Cisco, Palo Alto, and others to bring you industry leading solutions, straightforwardly.

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wherever you are

Cisco, Palo Alto and others provide products in this space specifically targeted at network infrastructure. We work with their solutions to keep you up and running when you need it and safe from attack.
  • Network malware protections provide excellent defense in depth for your infrastructure. Even better: if you have quests, they will be protected by virtue of using your networks.
  • Enhanced visibility should give you peace of mind that your data is protected in place and in transit.
  • Network XDR services are an excellent tool to help your NOC and SOC identify pain points on your network and respond to them quickly and effectively.
  • EDR and XDR provide additional data points to evaluate network health and impacts to that.

Security is Power

See how our expertise in Application and Data Security, Network Security, and Governance can help you build a unique competitive advantage in managing your enterprise business securely and confidently.

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